Welcome to another episode of Your Dream Life podcast - which I only do because I want to add value to your life.
As we get closer to the final quarter of 2024, it’s time to reflect, reset, and plan to finish the year on a high note.
In this episode, we dive deep into the opportunity Q4 offers to maximize your potential and set the stage for a fulfilling 2025.
If you follow me, you know the importance I place on treating each quarter as a mini year - and how Q4 is a perfect time to focus on clarity, build momentum, and boost confidence.
Whether you’ve had a productive year so far or feel like you’re just getting started, this episode will inspire you to refocus and realign your goals to make the last three months truly count.
Key takeaways:
- Clarity: The importance of a clear vision of what truly matters so you can focus your energy on achieving it.
- Momentum: Break your goals into actionable steps to create daily progress and build positive momentum.
- Confidence: Boost your self-belief by consistently taking action toward your dreams.
- Accountability: Leverage the power of community to stay on track and finish the year strong.
Join me as I walk you through my tried-and-true methods for planning your quarter with intention and purpose.
Whether you’re looking to nurture your well-being, achieve personal goals, or grow your business, this episode will empower you to take meaningful steps toward creating your dream life.
Tune in now and get ready to make Q4 your best yet!
As always, I’d LOVE to hear what resonates with you from this episode and what you plan to implement after listening in. So please share and let’s keep the conversation going in the Dream Life Podcast Facebook Group here.
Have a wonderful weekend… and remember, it all starts with a dream 💛

Dream Life Founder
- Join our Power of Connection & Journaling breakfast event with Tory Archbold & I. Link for Sydney on 28th August. Link for Melbourne on 27th August.
- Learn more & register here for our FIJI REINVENT YOU RETREAT. Embark on a transformative journey guided by Kristina Karlsson, Sarah Pirie-Nally, Nicole Hatherly, and Shaynna Blaze.
- Join my Platinum Coaching Program - where in September the focus is on going deep into Planning the Last Quarter of 2024 to be super productive, including a special bonus session on AI. Learn more here.
- Join my virtual book club GROW for September where we'll meet weekly on Zoom to discuss and squeeze the learnings from this brilliant book, Self-Belief Is Your Superpower: Unleash Your Life Purpose, Own Your Power, and Become a Magnet for Miracles by Tory Archbold. Learn more here..
- Dream Life Community Facebook Group: Connect with like-minded dreamers.
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- Join my Habit Club and get support and accountability as you focus on changing the building blocks of your life - your daily habits. Learn more here…
- Take your first step to getting clarity on what you want from life with this free bonus dreaming exercise here 101 Dreams Audio Guide
- Buy Kristina's book, Your Dream Life Starts Here
Hi there. And welcome back to another episode of your dream life podcast.
Today, I'm so excited to talk about something that's near and dear to my heart and something I get really excited about, and that is making the most of the final quarter. of 2024. Or if you're listening to this at a later date, you can obviously take another year in there so it could be the final quarter of 2025 or any quarter for that matter.
Yes, Q4 is upon us and we find ourselves entering the last quarter of 2024. I want to take a moment to reflect, reset, and encourage you to make the most of this final stretch of the year. This episode is dedicated to all of you who are ready to maximize your potential and finish strong and set the stage for a truly fulfilling 2025.
If you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you may know that. Every year, I have the aim to make the next quarter or the next year my best yet. Whether you are looking to get clarity of your dreams and goals, focus on your wellbeing, or align your life goals with habits that support you, there is so much we can accomplish together before this year closes out.
Whether you had a productive 2020 For so far, or if you feel like you're just getting started, that could be the case, there is no better time than right now to refocus, realign and make those last three months count. Today, I'll be talking about the powerful opportunity we have to plan our quarter intentionally.
And for those of you who are part of our Dream Life coaching program, we are diving deep into this as our theme for the month of September. If you are not yet part of the community, this is the perfect time to join us. I'll talk more about what we do in September in the Dream Life coaching program later, just in case you wanted to join us.
I want you to take a moment and imagine this. We are in the final quarter of 2024. The holiday season is fast approaching, work might be winding down and soon we'll be setting new dreams and goals for a fresh new year. But here's the question. What can we do right now to end this year on a high note? I have been running the dream life coaching program for years now, and I have seen the immense power of intentional planning.
It's about creating space to reflect on what's worked, what hasn't, and most importantly, what we want to create in the time We have left and that is why our theme in September in the coaching program is all about planning your quarter. It's about harnessing the energy of these last few months, focusing on what truly matters and laying the groundwork for success and happiness and your dream life.
You may have heard this before, but I actually treat each quarter as a mini year and Q4 is one of my favorite because if we can make the last quarter super productive, we are on to a flying start of the new year and quarter one. So why should you plan your quarter? Let me share three powerful reasons that will inspire you to take action today.
Reason number one, clarity. When you plan your quarter, you give yourself a gift of clarity. You're not just moving aimlessly from day to day. You are directing your energy toward what matters most to you, whether that is a personal dream or goal or a business objective or nurturing your wellbeing.
Clarity helps you focus on what is essential. When we take time to map out our priorities, Everything becomes clearer. I want you to ask yourselves, what are the top three things you want to accomplish by the end of 2024? Write them down, reflect on them, and make them your guiding light. Reason number two, momentum.
Planning your quarter gives you momentum. With clear dreams and goals in place, you will feel a sense of purpose and drive that can carry you through even the busiest of days. When you break your dreams and goals into smaller actionable steps, you make progress every single day. Each day, if you write down three things you're grateful for.
In just 10 minutes, you are transforming your mindset and building positive momentum for your life. And the same principle applies here. Focus on small wins and watch them add up to something extraordinary. This is why it's so important to daily write down what you're grateful for, but also your daily wins.
We have our daily wins journal that actually have gratitude, daily wins, and planning your daily wins for the day after as well. Reason number three, confidence. There's nothing more empowering than seeing yourself move closer to your dreams. When you plan your quarter and take consistent action, you build confidence.
You prove yourself that you are capable of achieving what you set out to do. And that confidence doesn't just stay in one area of your life. It radiates into everything that you do. Imagine how amazing you will feel as you look back at the end of 2024, knowing you made the most of this year, even in its final months.
That's what our Dream Love Coaching Program is all about. It's about supporting you in creating the life you love by helping you to focus, reflect, and grow. Our Plan Your Quarter theme is going to give you The structure, the tools and the inspiration you need to finish strong. So are you ready to make Q4 your best yet?
I know I am, and I have an exciting opportunity I want to share with you today to help you get started. Just do that. Imagine this, it's end of September and you are feeling focused, inspired, and crystal clear on how you will make the last three months of 2024. Absolutely brilliant. Sounds amazing, right?
Well, that's exactly what I'm inviting you to experience. I'm offering a special series of five 60 minute sessions throughout September. Check it out. To help you get ready for the final quarter, which of course starts in October, we'll meet every Monday evening at 7 p. m. Australian Eastern Daylight Time on Zoom, and we'll do the work together.
For years, I have used this approach with loads of people around the world to help them be more intentional, more productive, and more aligned with what truly matters. And you can now just join for a month or a few months if you prefer. So if you've been waiting for the perfect opportunity, To take action.
This is it. Also, what exactly will we be doing in these sessions? On our first session together, we do one of my favorite exercises that I'm not sure I could actually live without. That might be a little bit of extreme, but it's an exercise I do all the time when I feel overwhelmed and it's called from overwhelmed to clarity.
This is when we put Everything on paper that's in our heads and we put it on paper and we categorize it. It's such a great session. So that's session number two. On the second and the third session, we plan out the quarter using all the tools I use myself. And you will get a workbook so you can do this with me.
We'll refine your dreams. and work out what your top three dreams or goals for the quarter you will be working on in Q4. And we'll be brainstorming together how you can make these dreams and goals happen. And I'll guide you through a pre week planning approach as well. This method will help you map out your goals.
Everything you need to accomplish each week, so by the time we reach the festive season, you are feeling proud of the progress you have made. But that's not all. You will also learn how to reflect weekly and monthly on what worked and what didn't, and how you can improve going forward. I'll be there with you every step of the way, and together we'll make progress every single day.
On our fourth session, it's our very popular accountability session. This is where I divide the group into smaller groups on Zoom. And you can share the top three things you'll be working on in the next three months. And then the next month you will share if you made progress on them or not. This has made everyone, me included, much more productive and by being accountable.
And as a Special bonus. We are hosting a session on how to harness the power of AI to boost your productivity and help you create your dream life. It's a game changer and I can't wait to share these tools with you. The whole month of September is going to be value packed with sessions designed to keep you focused and moving forward.
By the end of it, you'll be 100 percent ready for an incredible three month run into the holiday season, and you'll finish the year strong and accomplished, as well as excited about the new year ahead. And remember, this is not about perfection. It's all about daily progress. Every single day we'll take one more step towards those big dreams.
So if you've been feeling like it's time to take action, then I invite you to join me and an amazing, beautiful community of like minded people from around the world for a truly transformative. So just to remind you, every Monday in September, I'll go live on Zoom at 7pm in Melbourne and Sydney time in Australia for a 60 minute session.
These are productive focus sessions where we'll chat together and you can ask any questions and of course we will support each other. And if you can't make it live, don't worry, everything is recorded so you won't miss a thing. And as part of this program, you have full access to our platinum coaching program.
Back catalog featuring incredible speakers and themes over the last couple of years. You will also receive a workbook and printable tools that I have developed over the years. Everything you need to successfully plan out your quarter. Plus you'll be part of a private Facebook group where you can connect with other inspirational members of our community.
Platinum coaching program. This is where we share wins and challenges and keep the momentum going. So if you are ready to make Q4 your best yet, then this is your invitation. Join me in September and together we'll plan out a brilliant final quarter of the year. It's going to be a game changing month.
One that will leave you feeling focused, inspired, and ready to end 2024 on a high note. If you are keen to join, just go to the show notes or head over to yourdreamlifestartshere. com. Let's make the next three months, your most productive and fulfilling yet. Thank you so much for joining me today. I'm so excited to see what we will create together in Q4.
As always, I will be back on Monday with another Monday Morning Motivation episode. And in the meantime, keep dreaming big, stay focused, and let's make that dream life a reality.
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