#214 - SET GOALS FOR 2024, with Keith Abraham




Hello & welcome back!

With 2024 just around the corner, I wanted to share some powerful insights on goal setting for a brilliant year - and how to go about it.  

You’ll love my guest, the dynamic Keith Abraham, a renowned expert in personal growth and goal setting.

Listen in for powerful insights:

  • The power of goal setting: Keith shares his proven strategies for setting and achieving your dreams. This includes his 9-step goal-setting process that connects your heart, head, and hands.
  • Overcoming self-doubt and procrastination: Gain practical tips to push past the barriers that hinder progress and learn to embrace a mindset of action and determination.
  • Harnessing the energy of your dreams: Keith talks about the emotional drivers behind successful goal achievement and how to tap into them.
  • Creating a fulfilling and purpose-driven life: Explore Keith's insights on living a life aligned with your passions and how to make each year better than the last.

…and so much more.

It’s a goldmine for anyone looking to make 2024 their most remarkable year yet.

Whether you're crafting new dreams, setting ambitious goals, or seeking motivation to overcome challenges, Keith and Kristina’s combined wisdom provides a roadmap to a setting goals for a great 2024.

If you’re excited to plan for a brilliant 2024, I would LOVE to help you, so in January I’m throwing open the doors to my Platinum Coaching Annual Planning month for you to join me live online over 5 x 60 min sessions.

It will be so valuable, and you’ll start the year sorted. More info here…

As always, I’d LOVE to hear what resonates with you from this episode – and what you plan to implement after listening in. So please share and let’s keep the conversation going in the Dream Life Podcast Facebook Group here.    

Have a wonderful week …and remember, it all starts with a dream 💛


Kristina 💛

Dream Life & kikki.K Founder



  • Keith's Website: Keith Abraham
  • Free Resources: www.KeithAbraham.com/free-resources
  • Goal Setting Diagnostic Tool: My Goal Driver
  • Book: "The Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Playbook of Silicon Valley's Bill Campbell"
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Award Program: Rotary RYLA
  • Toastmasters International: Toastmasters
  • Access Kristina’s Free Word of the Year Downloadable Guide here.
  • Join Kristina’s Plan Your Year January Coaching Program - 5 x 60 min productive weekly planning sessions led live by Kristina online in January. Get you focused, clear, inspired & ready for a great 2024. Learn more here.
  • Buy your Plan Your Year Journal here – a valuable annual planning tool in a journal.
  • Buy your Quarterly Planning/Daily Progress Journal & video workshop here.


  • Join my virtual book club GROW where we read and meet online weekly to squeeze the learnings from great books. Learn more here…
  • Take your first step to getting clarity on what you want from life with this free bonus dreaming exercise here 101 Dreams Audio Guide 
  • Want to transform your life, with help from me? Join our Platinum Coaching Program and hang around positive like-minded people. Learn more here…
  • We've made planning for the festive season a breeze with our famous and best-selling Dream Life Christmas Planner. I've been developing it for years - and it's brilliantly helpful. Buy it here…
  • Access a recording of my free workshop, How to Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet – Starting NowHere
  • Take the Quiz here… "Discover How on Track You Are to Living Your Dream Life" and uncover valuable insights into where you're at and how your own path forward can look.
  • BONUS free 150 Dreams to Inspire You: The Top Dreams of Real People - 30 Page Downloadable pdf. Download here…
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Podcast Transcript:

What would you do with your life if you knew you couldn't fail, if you had all the money, all the time, all the knowledge, all the resources that you needed? What would you do with your life if you simply knew that anything was possible for you? My name is Christina Carlson, founder of Global Swedish Design and Inspiration brand, dream Life, an author of the book, your Dream Life Starts Here and I.

Love exploring these sorts of questions to inspire people like you to chase your own dream life, whatever that means for you. Many years ago, I wrote down a dream on paper that would one day bring Swedish design to the world and create beautiful, inspiring and meaningful product. That would bring sparks of joy into the everyday lives of millions.

Now that I have achieved that dream, I want to leverage everything I've learned to help you dream big and to create a global movement, to inspire 101 million people, to transform their lives and transform the world in return. Each episode, we'll dive deep into the power of dreaming and share real insights and practical ideas that you can use immediately to build a dream life of your own, whatever.

That means for you.

Hi there and welcome back to the last episode for 2023. I actually can't believe that 2023 is done. I don't know about you, but I think this year went way too fast. Some years it feels just like that. It's been an incredible year and I'm very excited. It's been lots of ups and downs for all of us and all we can do is learn from the past and then move forward.

And in the dream life coaching program in January, we will be reflecting on the year that we just had, and then plan out 2024 with the intention to make 2024 our best year yet. And I truly believe that every year. It's going to be a better year because we've done all the learnings from the past year and hopefully we have some new dreams and goals that we want to make happen and we look for a bright and exciting year ahead.

If you haven't registered for my free workshop, I will link to that, or you can just head over to yourdreamlabs. ca. com. I actually often get laughed at that I hold a free workshop on New Year's Day, but I know that the people who show up at 10am on New Year's Day are people like me, someone who wants to make 2024 their best year yet and start on their first day of the year.

I never want to waste New Year's Day and be tired. I want to get started fresh and excited about the year ahead. Before I introduce our final guest for 2023, I just want to say thank you. Thank you so much for your incredible support this year for shopping at the dream life store, for joining my courses and my coaching programs and my free workshops for being part of my book club.

And of course, for listening to this podcast, it means so much to me. I always get such a thrill and excitement when I look at the reviews. And also when I don't feel motivated or I feel uncertain, if someone really care where I put out to the world, I think we all feel that sometimes I always remember my dream life community.

I love, love, love what I get to do. And I always think that if I can make a difference just to one person's life today, I will do that. And I hope to inspire you to live your dream life, because I know if you do that, you will then inspire the people around you. And together, we will create this beautiful ripple effect and together make the world A little bit better.

So I want to finish this year with an inspiring guest that will inspire you to create your dream life and set goals for 2024. So my guest today is Keith Abraham. For over 20 years, Keith has researched how top performing people harness their passion, achieve their goals, and focus on what's most important to bring the best out of themselves and their businesses.

He has discovered the link between best performance and people who are passionate about their life. Establishing true goal enlightenment enables an individual to live their personal and professional lives energized and with direction. I absolutely love Keith passion for goal setting and for living a life that is true to him and inspiring others to do the same.

So let's get. Right into it.


Keith. I am so excited to

have you. Thank you. Cool. Christina. Great to be here and just, uh, lovely to connect with you again. Uh, you know, love the work that you're doing in, in helping people find their dream because isn't that so powerful. So often as individuals, we get the dream kicked out of us at a very, very early.

Age. And yet, you know, what a Walt Disney say, you know, have the courage to dream is such an important part of our lives. So, uh, so great to, great to be on your podcast with you today. Oh, it's so good to have you. I was very lucky to see you speak in real life, which is a bit of a luxury after the last. And, um, I, one of my  highest value is sharing.

And every time I see a great speaker, I always think about my dream life community and I always want to share. So I was very excited that you said yes to come on. But before we get started, we have so much to talk about, but I always start with one question and that is, did you have a dream as a child, something you wanted to do or become, or perhaps achieve?

You know, I often say to people, I don't know if I had a dream as a child, I loved playing cricket. And so I would have loved to have played cricket professionally. There was a couple of reasons, probably why I didn't. The main one was I just wasn't good enough. But you know, but that was one of those dreams.

But I grew up on a farm and I got to tell you, um, my mum and dad We talked about trucks, tractors, horses, and cattle. We didn't talk about dreams and goals. Um, and it wasn't until I was 24 years of age that I first really heard about goal setting. I know that sounds a bit bizarre, you know, where you're living under a rock, but you sort of thought about goals from a 40 point of view.

Or, you know, from, I played polo cross as a kid. So, you know, from that point of view, you never thought about life goals or, or life dreams. You know, um, it wasn't until I was 24 that I actually, you know, wrote down a hundred things that I wanted to achieve in my lifetime. So to answer your question, you know, like.

I suppose that like a kid, I just wanted to, you know, play professional sport, but that never turned out. No, and I'm sort of, and I'm so grateful that it did because I get to do exactly what I love to do. And I've done that now for 26 years. Yeah. which I love. I have a son, he's 15 and his dream is to play cricket for Australia.

And sometimes I'm like, Oh, that's so time consuming, you know, for him. He was also a bit of an entrepreneur. He started his own golf brand already. And, um, and I think, Oh, it's so time consuming, but I love that he's having this big dream that is a really hard one. And the ups and downs with cricket, obviously I'd grew up in Sweden and I didn't know he bought me cricket for dummies because I don't know the rules.

And, um, And even that book hasn't helped me much, but I'm learning as I'm, I'm watching him. And, um, it's a great dream for, I think for kids to have that kind of sporting 'cause you learn so much about life in the, in the winning and the losing and the setting of goals, et cetera.

Yeah. You, you sure do. And, and look, and I often say to people, you learn more about yourself from the goals that you don't achieve.

Yeah. Then from the goals that you do achieve. You know, we learn more from the tragedies than the triumphs in our life. And the, the only challenge is, is that so often when we don't hit our goal, we get fixated on all the things that didn't work or why it didn't work or what didn't happen or, and we rarely ever stop and get perspective of going.

Okay. What was the learning experience? Yeah. What was the learning experience? What do I take away from, what do I, what do I take away from that activity that can help me in the next time I pursue? And if you set lots of goals, if you set lots of goals, you're going to probably miss more than you achieve.

Yeah. Uh, that's, that's the reality of it. But let me tell you, the ones that you achieve create great momentum. They move you towards what you want and move you away from what you don't want. And it's so important that we feel like as adults and Christina, you know, ask everybody who's listening to this podcast today, let me ask you this question.

Do you get frustrated when you don't make progress? And a hundred percent of the time people are going to say, yes, I get very frustrated when I don't make progress. So when you are achieving goals, you. Uh, working, even though you might not get it, you're working closer to what you want and moving away from what you don't want.

Yeah, absolutely. I want to talk more about that. But before we do, I just want to ask you a little bit about your journey, because we've got listeners from all over the world and I would love for them to just understand a little bit about your journey. And then we'll go straight into your absolutely expertise, which is goal setting, which I can't wait.

Yeah, yeah. Love, love to share that with you. So I grew up on a farm. I dropped out of school twice. Uh, you have to be a special type of child to drop out of school twice, but I did. Uh, my mum got me my first job at the local council, local municipality, depending on what part of the world you're in. She had a lot of push in the council.

Uh, it was, uh, graft and corruption at the highest level, I might add. Uh, she was a tea lady there, which means that she used to walk around desk to desk with a trolley and a tea urn, and she'd serve cups of tea to people and give them a biscuit. And, but she knew everybody. And so, um, uh, when I dropped out of school the second time, she said, uh, I'm going to get you a job.

And so she got me a job working in the council. And I think, really, when I say graft and corruption, I think if you didn't give me a job, you probably didn't get a cup of tea for a week or a month or something like that. So, so it was worthwhile. So I started off. In the local council, I worked my way up to the health department where I became a noxious weed inspector.

And if you're not familiar with that, it's not the weed you smoke, but it's the weeds that grow alongside the road. And I did that for about, uh, about six years. My boss came to one day and he said, we'd like you to go on a week long leadership program. And, uh, and I thought, I'm, I'm not a leader, you know, like I've never been a leader in anything in my life.

I wasn't a leader at school. I wasn't, I'm not leading my own life really. And then he said the magic word, you get a week off work with full pay. And I thought, you know what, maybe I'm a leader. And I went along to a, this leadership program, which was seven days, it took 18 to 24 year olds. Uh, out in the bush for a week, it was run by an organization, an international organization called Rotary International.

It was a program called Ryla Rotary Youth Leadership Award. And they brought in all these different speakers to talk to us about leadership and our managing our finances and and team building and and of course on the last day a guy stood up and started talking about goal setting and it was a revelation to me.

You got to understand I've had a week of people telling me I can be anything, have anything, do anything, achieve anything. And then this guy comes along and says, here's what we'd like you to do. We'd like you to go and find a shady tree you can sit under for the next 90 minutes. Take some pen and a paper.

We want you to write down a hundred things you want to do in your lifetime. And I thought, I can do this. I'm motivated, I'm engaged, I'm enthused, I'm energized, I'm fired up, I'm pumped up, I'm jacked up. And I start writing out this life to do list of these hundred dreams that I want to achieve. And I write down six.

And I stopped. It's the longest 90 minutes of my life. The seventh thing I wrote down was finish this list. It took me six weeks to finish my list. I'm on to my eighth list. Just redid my list a couple, uh, about a month or so ago. I'm on my eighth list of, of goals that, uh, I want to achieve. And from there I just went, you know what, there's more to life than being a, a weed inspector for the next 40 years.

And I started. I went to Toastmasters and started developing myself and reading books and listening to, back in those days, cassettes of motivational, inspirational speakers. And, um, fast forward 26 years ago, I got an opportunity to be paid to present. And, uh, you know, I obviously always fell in love with goal setting.

And 26 years ago, I became a professional speaker. I've spoken to 1. 6 million people in 39 different countries. I've written five best selling books published in 12 different languages. My sixth book is about how to be a million dollar speaker. Not a bestseller. It's a very small and niche market that we sell that book to.

And I've created a diagnostic tool that measures What drives people, what slows people down, how to strengthen their determination. We, I developed that and launched that about this time last year. And, um, I live in Brisbane in Australia. Um, when COVID hit. 70 70 conferences got cancelled in 10 days. I then built a studio, got all that work back, and I've been working all over the world.

Took me 24 years to speak in 33 countries, and the last three years I've spoken in 39 countries, and I haven't left home. And so I work with large corporate organizations, I help them do three things, engage, enthuse and energize people, uh, how to create, engage, enthuse, how to develop their leaders and create accelerated performance in them and how to create massive business growth and momentum in their businesses and run large keynote speaking, masterclasses and large multi month.

Programs. So that's what I do. Married two daughters. Married to my wife, Christine, for 31 years this year. Um. Married with two daughters, uh, 25 and 22. That's my story. Play a bit of golf every now and again and, uh, you know, have some really strong networks of friends that, uh, that we talk about goals and talk about direction and, and talk about entrepreneurship.

So, yeah. Wow. I feel

like you are

living the dream. Well, you know what, we're working on it every day, Christina, we work, and the funny thing, you know, happens when you do go and pursue your passion, and I've written a book about, you know, pursuing your passion, but when you do go and pursue your passion, you do become energized, enthused, and engaged, you do attract to you, um, great people.

It's not that you don't have your trials and tribulations and challenges. The funny thing about it is that when you feel like you're moving towards what you want, moving away from what you don't want, you have great momentum. And often people say to me, Oh, Keith, can you come and motivate our people as a speaker, as a educator?

I go, No, I think people should be motivated, don't get me wrong, but, but motivational seminars or speakers are a bit like a hot bath. They feel good when you're in it, but you get cold as soon as you get out of it. I think the real message, if I can give any message to, to all of your listeners today, it's that.

You know, momentum is what you want. In actual fact, momentum defeats doubt. Yeah. If you have momentum, when a roadblock is put in front of you, you have enough momentum to go over it, to go around it, to go through it, to get what you want. When you don't have momentum, you become stuck, stale, and stagnant.

Yeah. Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. And I love to hear your process for goal setting because I think that's super valuable for our listeners. But what is your thoughts on really when I want to inspire people to it. Dream big, but then when people put that dream, self doubt comes and, and, um, with that often comes, um, stagnation and you don't actually get going on your dreams.

What's your thought for anyone who had that self doubt for achieving great dreams and goals? Cause I think that stops. That's the number one that I see.

A hundred percent. Here's what I say to people, Kristina, you cannot out dream your self esteem. If you believe that this is what you should be given in life, that is what you're given in life.

Yeah. And if that's small, then it's small. You can't add dream to self esteem. And one of the things I often say to people is you've got to go there mentally before you go there physically. Yes. So you've got to be projecting yourself into the future about what you want. And that's what dreams do. Dreams project you into the future.

So a couple of things here. First thing. you know, people can do is write down a list of a hundred things they want to achieve in their lifetime. And if people go, Oh, I can never do that. Guess what? I've helped people set more than 15 million goals globally. And it's a really simple process. You go to my website, go to KeithAbraham.com forward slash, I think it's free resources. And there's a document there, which is four pages, which asks you 25 questions. And then with those 25 questions, you develop four answers. That gets you to a hundred. Now, you and I both know that's not how the process works. What happens is there are some questions you go, I cannot think of anything.

And there are other questions you can go, I can write down 10 answers. It doesn't matter how you get there. It's about making sure that you start to think a bit. You start to think a little bigger. You start to dream a little bigger. Yeah. So you can do big things. And so that's, you know, the first piece of the puzzle is about, you know, you can't out dream yourself.

The second piece of the puzzle. So, so what does that mean? Develop yourself. Yeah. Develop your self confidence, develop your self belief, and then from there, when you start to develop your self confidence, self belief, do that activity of the 100, uh, 100 dreams, which means it helps you achieve your goal of, of getting, you know, a million people to set three goals or 10 million people to set three goals.

And then all of a sudden, the serendipity of that now. You go, Oh, Keith, that, that's really unrealistic. Well, let me tell you some stats around this. We had 1500 people send us their list of a hundred dreams, and we said, we're going to hold on to them for three years, then we're going to send them back to you in three years time.

And all we ask you to do is tell us. How many of the goals did you achieve in the three years? And so we send, gets the three years mate, we send it back to people and here's what came. So firstly, we got all these different types of emails. I'd forgotten all about that list. Oh, Keith, we look at this list every Christmas.

Oh, Keith, we look at this list every week. You know, so we had all these different types of responses from people. But here was the overwhelming response. Of the 1, 500 people, the average number of goals that were achieved in three years was 42. The average number was 42. I then said, I'm going to extend this research for another two years.

So now it's five years. And we sent the list back again. We said, just tell us how many you've achieved now. That goes up to 71. Oh wow. So when you start talking about a lifetime dream list, a lifetime, you know, a hundred lifetime goals, it's actually not a lifetime. You can achieve so much more in a short period of time just because, and imagine if you just focused on a little bit more, you start, you start to manifest that and bring it into your life.

Absolutely. And I think, you know, once you start with one thing, you then get excited. And I feel like in my, I do online courses and coaching and every single time someone shares a dream, I get excited, but I can see that they are not excited yet because they don't know how to do it. And I always say, Just start, just start because often the path is never, when I started, um, my first business Kiki Kade, that was, you know, I had a vision for that, but it became much, much bigger than I could ever have imagined in the beginning.

And I think just having that big dream and then start with one step because the, um, the journey is never really the plan. Like I've seen so many business plans and that has a really beautiful graph like that. But it's never like that. It's always up and no,

no, absolutely. That's, it's always best case scenario, as you know, and that's not life, you know, like, uh, one of my clients is Toyota.

I've worked with Toyota for the last 24 out of the last 26 years. And one of the things that we often talk about at Toyota is we go. What is the best case scenario? What is the worst case scenario? What is the most likely scenario? And I think for all of us, if you want to gain real perspective, so for example, you know, when often when I mentor people, I say, you know, I'm thinking about changing careers and doing that.

I go, okay, what's the best case scenario? Well, I would say I'm ultra successful at it and, you know, and then I build that up and I, you know, become the industry leader. Okay, what's the worst case scenario? Well, I have a garden, I don't like it and everything that I thought was going to be fantastic is not.

Okay, what's the most likely scenario? I go there and I have a learning experience and I see where it takes me and if it doesn't take me well, I change, I do something different. Yeah. When I first became a professional speaker, I said to my wife, Christine, I said, what's the worst thing that can happen if we have a crack at this.

And we just said, well, the worst thing that happened is it doesn't work and I'm going to get a real job. Well, I haven't had to get a real job in 26 years, so we're going okay. I don't need a food parcel this year. So we're ticking along all right. And I think people have got to start to understand that just gain some perspective around it as well.

Just balance it out a little bit because you're sort of, you don't want to be, oh, we're This is going to be so good. And it's going to be like this. And then the first challenge, because I think, you know, this just like I know this, is that the universe has a funny way of saying, are you serious? And so as soon as you set a goal, here's what I do know.

As soon as you set a goal, you will be challenged. Like, I'll give you an example. I'm going to get healthy. I'm going to get fit. I'm going to eat clean. Well, that's the day you go and work and somebody's birthday and somebody brings in homemade chocolate cake, you know, with the hundreds and thousands on it, and you don't want to disappoint them by not having cake.

I'm going to start my exercise program. Well, that's the day you go, right. I've got my, I've got my clothes ready to go. I'm all set. I've got the alarm set, ready to rock and roll. You get up and it is teeming down right. The universe has this funny way of saying, are you serious? Are you serious?

I love that.

Absolutely love that. So. Talk through your goal setting process, because there's obviously a lot of different ways of setting goals. And the way you explained it when I saw you, it was brilliant. So I'd love for you to share

that. Yeah, thanks, Krista. So here's what I do know after being a student of the goal setting process for the last 37 years, is that for each of us, The real power of goal setting is when you have an emotional, a mental, and a physical connection.

So most of us have heard of the concept of smart goals, specific, measurable, obtainable, realistic, tangible. And those goals work in companies and corporations because originally that was created for a company environment. Written about Harvard 37 years ago. And, oh, 38 years ago now, but they never took into consideration that you and I are emotional creatures.

And so what drives us are emotions, not necessarily the goal. What drives us is what emotion that goal will give us. So give you an example. All of us. are, you know, human beings. As a human being, you can experience 135 different emotions. 64 of them are positive. Of those 64, they break it down into what I call eight goal drivers.

And I'll talk more about goal drivers in a moment and give some people some resources to check it out. But where I see people achieve the goals Faster, easier, and sooner is when they have an emotional, mental, and a physical connection. In other words, why, what, how. Now it's not like why as in what's my why in life, it's what's the emotional driver.

So why, what, how, because here's what I do know. When the why becomes clear, the how becomes easy. Yeah. So when we look at why, what, how, what does that look like? Um, that looks like heart, head, hands, feel, think, do. And so when you can combine the three of those together. the emotional connection, the mental connection, the physical connection, what happens is you become committed, compelled, and connected to your goal.

Not just interested, but connected, committed, and compelled to do it. And why do you need to be committed, compelled, and connected to do it? Because so when it does become inconvenient, when you are Unknown what you should do next when it is uncomfortable, then you'd have enough drive to get over that hurdle and to be able to move closer to what's important, what matters and what makes a difference.

So the first piece of the puzzle is understanding what emotionally drives people. So about nine years of research, four years of development, I created a diagnostic tool called uh, GoalDriver. And if your listeners want to go to mygoaldriver. com, they can click in the box, put their name and their email address in, uh, it'll then open up.

into a browser where they, they go through 10 specific words, you've done this with me, takes about five to seven minutes. And what pops out the other side of it is a six page free report on the 12 insights around what drives Pete, what drives them. What slows them down? How to strengthen their determination?

What's one fear that's stopping them from taking action? What do they need to start doing? What do they need to stop doing? So they get 12 insights from the free version. There's a paid version, but, you know, if they want to do the paid version, they get 135 different insights. So, 46 page report. Very in depth.

It is a playbook. You know, don't don't we all wish that we had a playbook when we were born that I just do it this way and you'll be successful. Well, this is a playbook about them for them that brings the best out in them. So if they want the full version, they can pay the 87. But let's give everybody a free version.

as your gift to all of your listeners in this episode. And so from that point, I've designed a goal setting process. And the goal setting process covers, um, those particular areas. And, and if it's okay, let me, would you like me to walk through the nine, the nine areas and give them the full enchilada, so to speak.

Alright. So, so get your goal driver report. So get the snapshot, which is the six pages. So here's step number one. Know what your driver is. There are eight drivers. Uh, people want to feel, people want to feel successful. People want to feel purposeful. People want to feel inspired. People want to feel happy.

People want to feel organized. People want to feel respected. People want to feel confident and people want to feel relaxed. So they're the eight. Goal drivers and there's a persona that sits around them and you know, people will understand that there'll be what their driver is and then what's their persona around that.

So we get people to identify what's their driver. Now, Christina, just to walk back one couple of paces here. When people click on the link, they put in their name and their email address. It then gives them five areas in their life. Their personal life. Their professional life, their business life, their financial life, and their health and well being side of their life.

Um, they can do the free version as many times as they want to because sometimes their driver is different for those different areas. Yeah. As they're doing the 10, the 10 sets of words, uh, all we ask people to do is pick on the one you most want to be. And what you least want to be. And this is a forward facing.

Often people say to me, Keith, is this a, the diagnosis, is this like disc? And I go, no, disc is personality. This is emotionally based. Yeah. And when we run this in organizations, we do this four times a year with inside organizations because people's drivers differ or we use it as a refocusing tool.

They've got that. So the first thing is understand what the driver is. Step number one. Uh, step number two is articulating the goal. So getting very, very clear on the number one goal they want to achieve in the four key areas of their life. Uh, personal, professional, physical, profitable. And you go, okay, I don't run a business.

No, no, no. Your own personal profitability. At the end of your life, you've got to come out with more than what you started with type of thing, you know, so you've got to be profitable. And so you pick. The area and then you go, okay, what's the number one goal that I want to achieve? And then you make sure that you write this down.

And once again, on my website is this planning sheet and you can get access to it and use it as a template. And if people can't find it or locate it, they can always send me an email, uh, which is keith, K E I T H at keithabraham. com. So, so the thing is get them to articulate their goal and making sure they put as much detail as possible because the back of your head is a thing called a reticular activating system.

It's your ability with a subconscious and your consciousness comes together and what it does is it helps you focus. It keeps you in this corridor of clarity, not the chasm of confusion. And so when you get really clear on your goal and as much detail as possible, so for example, let's talk a health and fitness goal.

You might say, Oh, I want to lose weight. Well, that's very vague. Is that, is that a gram? Is that a kilo? Is it 10 kilos? You know, what, what, what is that? And people go, well, I want to, well, okay, then I want to lose five kilos. Okay. I still don't think that's specific enough. Okay, but it's got a number to it.

No, no, no, you want to lose five kilos and be X amount of kilos, healthy, energized, slim, you put some detail around what you want because you've got to paint a mental picture for your reticular activating system to focus on. The best example I can give you for the reticular activating system. Is if you ever thought about buying a new car, as soon as you pick that car, as you're driving around, you see, oh, there's another one.

There's another one. There's another one that cars didn't get popular because you just chose it. They've always been there. It's just now you reticulated and said, I'm looking for this, which means if it works for picking a new car. Why wouldn't it work for how to achieve one of your goals, the opportunity to meet someone, to have a conversation, those serendipitous moments that happen.

So putting some detail. The third step is you've got to pick a mindset. And picking a mindset, often I talk to people and they go, Oh, I just need to be positive. I go, I had no idea what that means. I just, I think it's such a broad cliched comment that. There is so much vagueness built into it that people just go, Oh, yeah, that's right.

You just got to be positive. So one of the things I say is pick a lane. There are six key mindsets. People want to feel courageous. People want to feel tenacious. People want to feel limitless. People want to feel grateful. People want to feel self love. People want to feel empowered. And so I want to say if they're the six mindsets.

Pick a lane. Pick a lane for the next 30 days. What would happen, Christina, if your mindset was courageous? What would happen? How would you walk? How would you talk? How would you think? What would you say to yourself? What would you say to others if you were courageous? How would you turn up? What would you have a go at?

What would you attempt to do? You know, how much more would you push yourself out of your comfort zone? The third step is about picking a mindset. The fourth step is about picking a date. So what's the date on when you achieve it? So this is the day of the week, the month, the year, getting really clear on what you want to achieve.

The fifth step is you need to write down five reasons why you want to achieve that goal in that time frame to feel that way. And so when we say to people, what are the five reasons why you want to achieve it? If people can't think of five reasons why, Any excuse will do. Too hot, too cold, too many, too few, too little, too much, too hard, too easy.

COVID stopped me, Keith, you know, like, whatever, whatever. And so really getting, now if people want the pro version of this, when I work with individuals one on one, they might say, Keith, I want to achieve this goal to achieve financial independence. And I'll say to them, rather than saying, okay, what's another reason why, I'll say, Why is that important?

And I keep on digging until two things happen. Either in their voice, you hear The real goal, or in their physiology, you see that that goal means something to them. Yeah. And from five, we go to six, and the sixth step is getting a little bit now into logistics of it. It's getting now into the mental side of things.

What we're now saying is, right, what's the first milestone? What's the first milestone you want to achieve? So if it's a 12 month goal, your first milestone should be about a 30 day mark. Second milestone should be at the three month and the third milestone should be about six months. If it's a six month goal, you have all of that, but what you need to do and the super pro tip here is that, you know, make the first mile.

milestone really easy to achieve. Why? So that you create momentum. Yeah. So you create momentum towards it. You don't hit this wall, but you have these little steps that you're achieving, which leads us then, out of six, leads us into into the seven, you know, the seven piece of the puzzle. So it then leads us into seven.

And seven is, okay, what do I need to do over the next 30 days? So I take that first mosaic, I'll break it down into little bite sized pieces. Part eight is then I have to be honest with myself. I have to do a bit of self assessment and what I need to write down is what are two things that I need to stop doing in my life to achieve that goal and what are two things I need to start doing in my life to achieve that goal.

Because the reason why most people don't achieve their goals, it's not circumstance situations outside of their control. It's what happens to them inside of themselves. Am I worthy? Am I deserving? Do I procrastinate? So. When I say what do you need to start doing, you need to have different, and I'll talk about habits in a moment, but you need to have different habits to get different outcomes.

The second is when I say what are the things I need to stop doing, you have to let go of something. And without getting too woo woo around this, is that often our plate is full. It's full, you know, rarely do you ever talk to anybody and you say, you know, how's things going? They say, Oh, I'm doing two fifths of bugger all at the moment.

I've got, I'm looking at the things that everyone says they're busy. So what do you need to let go of is about taking something off your plate to allow that goal to come on your plate. And so really important that you, two things that you need to stop doing, two things you need to start doing, make sure you've got your hand on heart and you're totally honest with yourself.

The final piece of the puzzle, step number nine, is then saying, what are the daily habits? Because people create habits and habits form futures in people's lives. So it really comes back to what habits are best. So for me, I know that the food I eat, the amount of exercise I have, the amount of water I drink.

The amount of sleep that I get, the amount of, the audio books that I listen to, the, the focusing on my, refocusing on my goals each day, all of those habits create, uh, a great year, you know, I've mentioned to you before, you know, we talked, talked about me being a professional speaker and, and the thing, you know, people say, how have you built a multi million dollar speaking business over such a long period of time?

Um, And I am a relatively unknown person, I'm a non celebrity, I've never won a gold medal, never climbed Everest, you know, I'm pretty average, remember I'm the weed inspector. And so, how do you do that? I con, you know, I just contacted seven people every day. Yeah. That was one of my daily habits. Five days a week, I contact seven people every day and, you know, 35 people a week, guess what happens?

Somebody says yes. Yeah. Somebody says yes now. Somebody says yes later. Somebody says talk to me in 12 months time. You know, you just do the habits. So that's the goal setting process. It's starting to take a chunk of time to explain it. It's in detail because remember I said before, you want to have a goal that you're committed to, that you're connected to, and when you go through this process, and that's compelling, when you go through this process, you become, you build a relationship with this goal, you build a connection, you build a commitment that you go, you know, I can, I can do this.

Now I've broken this down. This looks very achievable. Yeah. And so all of a sudden that goal becomes compelling now, this, this is something I'm bought into. And so when you have that in place, wow, you're ready to set the world on fire. I love

it. Thank you so much for sharing. I absolutely love it. One thing.

That I have been experienced, and I know a lot of people have, and I'm sure you have over the years as well, is procrastination. Yes. Talk us through, how do we get over over that? And, and it's funny because I,

if we have to talk about that now, Kristina, can we talk about it later? What, what can we,


But you know what? It's funny. It's so funny because actually someone, uh, I did a course about how to create an online course before I had my online course. And, uh. One girl there was, uh, doing it about procrastination and she said, I haven't sold it. And I said, well, maybe they procrastinating buying, buying the, but yeah, I, I can definitely, there's certainly areas in my life where I procrastinate more than others.

And I, I'm sure you have as well. So I'd love to just talk through it, how we can actually, uh, overcome that.

Yeah, lovely. So let's put procrastination into some perspective. Firstly, procrastination is the greatest robber of self confidence and self esteem. If you know you should do something and you don't do it, it eats away at you.

In the process of it eating away with you, isn't it interesting that sometimes the things that we've been procrastinating on would, and the amount of time we've been procrastinating on, we actually could have done it within that time. You know, there are some people that have been procrastinating about something for a year that it would only take them like four or five days to complete.

So, this is about understanding that procrastination is the greatest robber of self esteem, which means that the greatest enhancer of self esteem is self discipline, which means it's about taking the first step. The day you take the first step, you start to beat and diminish procrastination. Um, because When you take that first step, you're more inclined to take the next, and the next, and the next.

I know this mathematically doesn't work out, but the truth of the matter is, is that If you take the first step, 50% of that job is completed. Yeah, mathematically that doesn't work out. But the day you take the first step, 50% of that job is completed. If you wanna beat procrastination forever, then focus all your attention.

This is a mindset. Focus all your attention on taking the first step, not completing the task. Yeah. Because when you focus on, Oh, I need to finish this task, you look so far down there, you go, Oh, that's so far to go. That is going to take me forever to do. And so hence you're not engaged, enthused or energized to actually even take the first step.

So the thing I say to people is, Identify what the first step is and then take that first step, even though you might not know what the next step is, take that first step and you beat procrastination forever. So let's put this into real life perspective. If you want to start your exercise program and you've been procrastinating about it, so here's what I want you to do.

Go to bed in your gym gear. Now, it's not. Comfortable. But as soon as you get out of bed and you walk to the kitchen in your gym gear, you sort of go, well, I started, haven't I really, you know, you put your shoes on and I'll guarantee you, you walk to the kitchen, you go, you know what the heck I'll walk to the letterbox.

What the hell I'll walk to the end of the street. I'll walk around the block. And you get started. If you've been procrastinating about cleaning out your wardrobe, don't do it. Don't do it. Go to your sock drawer, open up your sock drawer, find the one that doesn't have a friend and release it into the wild.

You know, you've started. Yeah. It's all about the start, not about the finish.

Yeah, I absolutely love it. And the way I deal with it as well is sometimes to set a timer for two minutes because I think sometimes even a soft draw can feel a little bit overwhelming. But if you just say, I'm just going to do it for two minutes.

And I actually have someone in my coaching program who, who organized her whole house and she was procrastinating that for a long time. And I said, yeah. Just set it for five minutes or 10 minutes, 15 or 28 minutes, whatever feels right for you. And she's now done her whole house in 30 days and it's, it's, she just felt so good.

So I think, and two minutes doesn't feel like it's, it's, it's going to make any difference, but if you do two minutes every day.

Yeah. Yeah. It's the easiest first step. Love it.

Yeah, absolutely. Love it. Love it. Love it. Fantastic. So how about those shiny objects distractions? So I think we all have them. And you know, it's me doing a new startup today versus doing a startup, you know, 20 years ago with my first business.

It's so different because back then there was a much easier path in some ways, but harder in another way because the, the, we didn't have the social media, et cetera, versus now it just can, you can basically reach people globally from day one, which is super exciting, but it's also dangerously. hard in terms of distractions.

So talk us through how we overcome those distractions.

Yeah. First thing everyone needs to write this quote down. You need to starve your distractions and feed your focus. Love that. Starve your distractions, feed your focus. And if you're watching along, that's the quote, starve your distractions, feed your focus.

And, and I think, you know, not, I think I know. The reason why we do suffer from next shiny object syndrome is because we are not focused on what's the number one thing I need to be working on right now. And the question you've got to ask yourself is what I'm doing right now helping lead me towards the goal that I want to achieve or helping me get closer to the goal I want to achieve.

One of the quotes that we have in our forum group is focus. Uh, follow one course until successful. Hmm. I love that. Really difficult to ride two horses at the same time. And as much as we go, I can do this and I can do this and I can do this. What I've learned is I just follow one course until successful and then I'll follow the next course.

And people go, Oh, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And what we, what you and I both know, once in a lifetime opportunities come around every other day. Yeah. And so it's really about coming back every day to your true north. Yeah. So I'm, I'm not a boatie, um, but my father in law, uh, has a boat. We, we've gone out on the boat every Easter, every Christmas, you know, for ever since I've.

I've been going out with Christine for 33 years. So one thing I, we know and abode is I can be one degree off course. For five minutes, and it's no big deal. You adjust the sail, you adjust the rudder, you bring it back on course. If you're in a boat and you're one degree off course for 30 days, you're lost at sea.

Yeah. And that's so many people in life get confused with the horizon versus the destination. And the only way you can keep on coming back to your true north is if you're crystal clear on what the goal is. And even though there's a nice bright shiny object over here, the key is, is that if I pursue that, will I still get to this goal?

Faster, easier, sooner. And the answer is no, then write it down, park it on a pad, on a computer file somewhere, and say, I'll come back and look at this in a week's time, a month's time, a year's time, and see if it's still a great opportunity. Because with time and perspective, often what we thought was a great opportunity in that moment, a week later, a month later, a year later, it wasn't that great an opportunity anyway.


Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that. I think when I did some research on, on you, after seeing you on the stage, I think I came across that you love journaling or reflection. I would love for you to talk about how you do that.

I'm a paper and pen guy. I write. I write, and I journal, and I obviously, you know, I'm probably, you're the same as me.

I love the tactile feel of, of pen on paper. I am a little old fashioned, and I still Uh, right. You know, firstly, my white belief is I have a pen fetish. Uh, I'm not quite sure. I only have about 38 different fountain pens, but I write in fountain pens. Uh, I don't think that requires therapy yet. Uh, I'm a great believer in doing a couple of things.

Firstly, Uh, I'm a great believer in reading my goals on a regular basis. Yeah. Every time I go for a walk, I'm thinking about my two most important goals. One personally, one professionally. The second thing is that I will once a week, uh, reset the goals for the week, the month and review my goals for the year or for my lifetime.

And I do that because that helps me just come back to the true north. Yeah. And it also stimulates other thoughts and ideas. The third thing I do is, is from a journaling perspective is, what was the best thing that happened to me today? What was the learning experience from today? What do I take away from today for tomorrow?

And that just helps me just to ground myself. Once again, to put things into perspective. So, the fourth thing is that I, whenever I have one particular journal that I use for everything that's about, uh, learnings for me. So, uh, when I, when I talk to my mentors, I'm putting the, the ideas and the insights and the inspiration in that one journal.

Um, that journal also has my list of a hundred things that I want to achieve in my lifetime, as my, as the goals for the next five years, the goals for the next 12 months, the goals for the quarter, the goals for the month in it. So I've, you know, I've got boxes of these used journals in my wardrobe that I, you know, I don't, you know, I just don't throw out.

Yeah. And journaling helps give perspective, it helps you to have a conversation, it takes the conversation out of your head and puts it on paper, which gives you perspective on really what's important, what matters and what's going to make a difference to you. Yeah.

Absolutely. You know, talking about therapy, I actually think that journaling is therapy because so many things have been solved on paper for me, for sure, by journaling, but also, um, by walking.

So you mentioned that as well, that you go for a walk and think about that. I do. I do too. And sometimes I go for a walk, listening to an audio book or a podcast. There's so many amazing things you can learn by, by just doing that. But also sometimes I'll go out with a, um, question and often come back with the answer.

And that's been really, really helpful as well for me.

I just think, you know, like for me, my routine is a walk pretty much every day. And you're right, if I go for a 10k walk, you know, 5k of that is just me thinking about my goals and what sits around that and ideas that come to me. And And I have a little memo taker in my, on my phone that just, you know, Oh, here's a good idea.

You know, it sends it back to my inbox. And, and then the other half middle of podcast or an audio book on the way home. You know, I've done enough. I've done enough thinking, you know, too much of regurgitating that now it's time to get a little bit of a fresh perspective, but it makes a world of difference.

And I don't. It's so, uh, bemuses me a little that people don't take the time and the energy to do that. And often people go, I just don't have time. Of course you got time. Everyone's got time. Everyone's got 24 hours a day. Yeah.

Yeah, absolutely. It's all about priorities. All right. This has been so inspiring and we can talk forever as, as we didn't push records right away.

Often happens when you have inspiring guests and it's so exciting. But, um, I wanted to ask a couple of things and, um, I'm very big into. morning rituals, because I think if you set up the day in the best possible way for you, whatever that is for each individual, your day are much more likely to become much better in, in whatever you are, whatever goals you are trying to achieve.

So I'm curious, do you have a specific morning ritual? And if yes, what's that? Yeah,

I do. So 4am for me, I get up. Oh, wow. That's It's either 4 or 4. 15, but it depends on On what I'm doing, but, uh, four o'clock I get up, um, get dressed, get on my bike, I ride 10k, well I ride 5k's to my gym, I do a 45 minute HIIT session at, at 5 o'clock in the morning, I then ride 5k's home, or I'll go for a walk then, then I'll ride home, or I'll ride home, and then I'll go for somewhere between 5 to 6 to 10k walk, that's my normal ritual, come home, I will have a shower, get dressed for the day, um, before I sort of, so I work from home, so this makes it pretty easy.

Uh, I'll then get really clear on what the goal is, you know, like what's, what's the goal for the day? What's the focus? What's the priorities? I tend to prioritize my day before I go to bed, um, so either before I leave the office or before I lay my weary head upon the pillow, I know exactly what my key priorities are.

I, um, endeavor to work in threes, so. Um, three key priorities like there's so easy, I looked at my, my schedule before I go, I've got, I've got 15 things I'm going to do today. Uh, no, I'm not, I'm going to get three things done today and that's going to be about it. You know, like the other things I just wishful thinking.

Yeah. So I always, I always in the morning reprioritize. I just sort of just, you know, from the previous night, I'll reprioritize, uh, reread the goals and then I'm sort of, you know, have breakfast and get into it. So I've done a few hours of exercise of, you know, might've already walked the dog, whatever it might be, and then I'm, I'm up and into it.

So that's, that's my morning ritual while I'm. walking, as we said before, I'm thinking about two key goals that I'm focused on at the moment, or I listen to a podcast, or I listen to an audio book.

Love that. Very inspiring. And 4am is, um, impressive because that's

early. Yeah, look, it is early. Um, I go to bed early, you know, I go to bed at 9, 9.

30, something like that. So I go to bed early, but I'm not a real health focus at the moment. So, you know, the ability to To do the bike, to do the hit session to, you know, 45 minute hit session. Uh, you know, it's a group session at the gym to do the walk. It just sets me up. I'm pretty, you know, I'm then energized.

I feel like I've already accomplished. I feel like I've already won the day. And so it doesn't matter what's like thrown at me. I've got, I've got the energy to, to do. And look, and you know, Christina, I, geez, you know, what have I lost about 14 kilos, you know, in the last. Sort of six months or so, just because I went, I just, I can't, I can't do what I do and be overweight and what I do.

And that's just a personal thing. It's just like, I've got a whole stack of stuff to do and what, what that comes back to is energy. I can defeat anything if I've got energy and momentum. Whatever pops up, as long as I've got good energy and I've got, and I've got good momentum, I bring it on. Yeah. Bring it on.

Absolutely. And you know, another thing I see, like if you create whoever is listening and create their, whatever they are inspired to do in the morning, so something that gets them excited. So that's because people say, oh, you go to bed so early, it's so boring. And I was like, no, I've created my morning ritual.

It's to be so exciting for me, for some people who think that that's the most boring morning ritual. But for me, it's really exciting. And I just get so excited about going to bed so I can get up. And of course, having a good coffee helps as well. Yeah.

And just, you know, so lead the day, you know, win the day.

Um, for my wife, her. Uh, we go to bed about the same time, she always goes through a little meditation affirmation before she lays her weary head upon the pillow. Yeah, sometimes I get up at four, she gets up at five. She'll either do one or two meditations in the morning. or a meditation and Pilates in the morning.

And we have breakfast together every morning, we have breakfast together, we have dinner together, we have lunch together. So, so those types of things. But you know, that's her routine, you know, her, you know, I don't want to go and do Pilates or anything like that. Probably further down the track I might, but I like to go and do something a little more physical where she doesn't, you know, she does this.

two meditations that she goes online and does with, uh, live, but through zoom every day and does that all at once or twice a day. Yeah.

Amazing. I love that. Yep. I think the key is to find something that you love and then you do that. I would love to know, have you got a favorite book? I know you're very avid reader.

So it's almost like asking for your favorite child, which is impossible, but just choose one.

Yeah. Yeah. Good. I look, I tell the book that I have, uh, here's my. Reasoning behind what's a favorite book. A favorite book is that a book that I've read multiple times. There's books that I've read and I've gone, geez, that's a great book, but I haven't been energized, engaged enough to pick it up again.

So I've read it ones from cover to cover. So the book that I love is this one, and I have listened to this one. I have read this one and I've read it in hard copy. I've read it on a Kindle and I've listened to it. So three, three times and I've bought about 60 copies for clients. And it's this book here, which called, which is called The Trillion Dollar Coach.

Uh, the Story of Bi Bill Campbell. Yeah, most people dunno Bill Campbell. But Bill Campbell was the guy. who mentored most of the CEOs in Silicon Valley. So he was the mentor for the whole Google exec team. He used to walk every Sunday with Steve Jobs. He mentored people at Intuit. He mentored people at Facebook.

He was an ex football coach, but a fabulous corporate executive. And. He just had the ability to bring the best out in people. He built wonderful trust, rapport and credibility with people and had this ability to absolutely call it how it is. And people respected him for his brutal honesty. And, um, when he was mentoring the people at Google, I said, we want to make sure that we capture these, these essence.

And, um, we're going to write a book about you. And he said, over my dead body, he said, I don't want a book written about me. Uh, he said, you can write a book, you can have all my content and everything like that after I pass away, but, but not before, I do this because I love it, I get paid well for it. He said, I don't want, and, and apart from doing that, he owned a bar, but apart from doing that, he coached.

a female lacrosse team at Stanford. So, which gave him absolutely no money at all in doing, or a high school team might've been. And, and so it was just this marvellous, marvellous man that brought the best out in people. So, uh, great, great book. And, um, And so I've loved reading that book.

Oh, fantastic. You know, I actually, I bought it, but I haven't read it yet.

I buy more books than I think I can ever read in a lifetime, but I am going to read that this weekend. So thank you so much for recommending it. Yeah. Thank you. The last question that I have is knowing what you know now. What kind of advice would you give yourself, say, when you're in your late teens or maybe your early twenties?

I love that story. We talked about Walt Disney before and I think this is a good analogy that I'd take on board as well. When Walt Disney was on his deathbed, um, his brother, uh, Roy Disney, who they were very close. They both joined the army together, both ambulance bearers in the army. Uh, they both left, left Kansas to find a bigger life, uh, in California.

And, um. Roy was the logistics and the, you know, brought the dreams to a reality, commercial reality, where Walt dreamed it up. And when Walt was passing away, Roy sat alongside his bed for about three days straight and, and knowing that that was, is going to be his last place. And, you know, he asked Walt the question, do you have any regrets?

And to his surprise, uh, he said, yes, I do. And, and Roy shook his head and said, what, what could you possibly regret? We were farm boys that work. Dirt poor. We, what's same, we built an empire called Disney. We built an amusement park that millions upon millions of people came to every day. We had television shows, uh, one of our characters won an Oscar.

You know, what could you possibly regret? And, and his classic conversational line. And I was at a conference where Roy shared this, or a sort of video, I should say, of a conference that I spoke at, but he shared this. He said, I just didn't dream big enough. And I think for me, I just think that I wish I'd had more confidence and self esteem.

I wish I'd done more personal and professional development early in my life and really understood the goal setting process before my twenties to just dream a bit bigger. Uh, in essence, it's, it's about. Dreaming a bit bigger, being a bit bolder, making sure that I'm a bit braver so I can be a little bit more brilliant, uh, moving forward in my life.

So if I was going to do things again, I definitely not only dream big, not only think big, but just start to do big things and back yourself in doing them. Wow.

That was a very powerful and thank you so much for all your wisdom. And, um, and I think I have to have you back on the, on the show because, because I feel like there's so much more we could talk about, but, um, thank you.

I really, really appreciate you coming on the podcast, but also. Uh, all the things that you're doing to make the world a better place. And I love that ending with dreaming big because I think that's what, um, what makes life so exciting if we can all dream a little bit bigger. So thank you.

Yeah, absolutely.

Thanks, Kristina. Thanks for everything you do and for what you're doing and helping people become, you know, bigger dreamers and being more resilient to the setbacks that we have in our life. And, and to be able to say, you know, uh, a setback is really. just a stepping stone to the next goal that you want to achieve.

So I appreciate you, you know, sharing your story as well and helping people do what you do. Fantastic.

Thank you. Thank you. Yay. I am now so inspired to turn my dreams into goals and make 2024 my best year ever. And I hope you are too. Don't forget to sign up for my free workshop and start New Year's Day the best possible way.

Again, thank you so much for your support. I wish you the most wonderful end of 2023 and of course 2024, your best year ever. Here's to happy new dreams, happy new goals, happy new quarter, happy new habits, happy new books, happy new plans, happy new growth, happy new you and of course a happy new year. I'll be back next year.

I can't wait. 

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