The Best Time to Plant a Tree Was 20 Years Ago. The Second Best Time Is Now.
Welcome to Dream Life Inspiration: Plant the Seeds of Your Dreams Today
Today, I want to share a thought that has the potential to transform your perspective and set you on a path toward your dream life. Something I explored in this recent podcast episode...
It’s a simple yet profoundly wise Chinese proverb:
This quote resonates deeply with me and serves as a reminder that no matter how much time has passed, we always have the power to take action today.
Let’s dive into what this means for you and your dream life.
The Regret of Not Starting Earlier
How often do we look back and think, “If only I had started sooner?” Whether it’s about building better habits, pursuing a passion, or nurturing relationships, we’re often our harshest critics.
But here’s the truth: while we can’t change the past, we have full control over what we do today.
Think of the tree as your dreams. Yes, the roots you could have planted years ago might have grown into something beautiful by now, but every day you wait is a missed opportunity.
The good news? It’s never too late to start.
The Power of Now
Just as a tree grows a little each day, so too does progress in our lives. Tiny, consistent actions are the key to long-term transformation. You don’t need to make monumental changes overnight. Instead, focus on small, intentional steps.
When I reflect on the journey of building my previous business—a global, multimillion-dollar enterprise—I realize it all began with a simple decision to start and a clear vision of where I wanted to go.
Three Steps to Start Planting Your Tree Today
Start Small, but Start Today
As James Clear explains in Atomic Habits, lasting change comes from consistency, not intensity. Whether it’s writing down an idea, going for a walk, or committing to a five-minute meditation, small actions add up over time.
Create a Flexible Plan
Commit to Your Why
Stay Inspired Along the Journey
Let’s be real: sometimes the path feels long, and progress is slow. That’s why it’s essential to find tools that keep you motivated. I love ending my day by writing down three wins, three things I’m grateful for, and three goals for tomorrow.
Visualization is another powerful tool. Picture your tree fully grown—what does your dream life look like? Hold that vision close and let it inspire you every day.
A Year from Now, You’ll Be Grateful You Started Today
As I reflect on my own journey, I’ve learned that every big transformation starts with a single step. Imagine looking back a year from now and thinking, “I’m so glad I started.”
So, what seed will you plant today? For me, it’s planning the year ahead in the Dream Life Coaching Program. If you’d like to join me, visit and let’s make this year one of growth and transformation.
Here’s to planting your dreams, nurturing them with love, and watching them grow into something extraordinary.
With love,
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